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Un'azienda francese di machine learning sta cercando collaborazioni con istituzioni che detengono grandi database di cartelle cliniche elettroniche nell'autoimmunità

Un'azienda francese di deeptech sviluppa la medicina di precisione nel campo dell'autoimmunità tramite una tecnologia di apprendimento automatico all'avanguardia. Gli strumenti predittivi sviluppati utilizzano profili di malattia personalizzati per determinare la risposta di ciascun paziente al trattamento e identificare i biomarcatori associati. Si ricercano partenariati di cooperazione con istituzioni che dispongono di banche dati CCE.


** Segue testo originale **

Autoimmune diseases affect approximately 5% of the world's population, with over 80 distinct conditions. While the number of patients with these chronic and incurable diseases is increasing exponentially, current treatment options remain suboptimal and rely on a costly, ineffective and often harmful "one size fits all" approach. The French company believes that the key to improving the treatment of autoimmune diseases lies in understanding the unique complexities of each patient's condition. They have successfully developed predictive tools for alternative tumour necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi) and methotrexate response in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and the results have been presented at international conferences and in peer-reviewed journals. They are now embarking on a new larger scientific project that aims to replicate these successes in a wide range of autoimmune diseases. To do this, they need access to large databases of electronic health records (>500,000 patients). Their main goal is to better understand the response to treatment in autoimmunity and to publish the scientific results in leading medical/scientific conferences and journals. Long-term research cooperation agreements are sought with institutions that have a large electronic health records (EHR) database.

Vantaggi / Aspetti innovativi
Proprietà industriale
Stadio di sviluppo
Non applicabile
Tipo di partnership
Accordo commerciale, licenza, collaborazione tecnica - Accordo di ricerca e sviluppo
Tipo e dimensione del partner cercato
Università - Ente di ricerca - Grande azienda - PMI < 50 - PMI > 50
Specifiche tecniche/ competenze cercate

The French company is looking for institutions holding large electronic health records (EHR) database with:

- more than 500k patients

- (un)structured data

- type of data collected: EHR, clinical notes (free text), biobank, images. No claims.

Ruolo/ Contributo del partner cercato

The goal of the French company is to establish long-term scientific collaborations in the field of autoimmunity with valued partners, such as hospitals, research organizations or pharmaceutical industries with electronic health record databases.

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