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Platform SIS - internazionalizzazione


Ricerca partner: produttori di cappellini gadget

Ref. BRDK20220609010

Staff Open Innovation

Staff Open Innovation

Un'azienda danese fornisce gadget alle organizzazioni danesi e cerca fornitori di cappellini gadget. Nello specifico, il cappellino ha l'espressione di un lupo ed ha diversi dettagli come bocca, occhi, orecchie ecc. L'impresa ha fatto produrre prototipi dei cappellini in Cina ma per motivi logistici preferisce appoggiarsi ad un produttore europeo.


E' un servizio gratuito in collaborazione con il progetto SIMPLER - Enterprise Europe Network. Per stabilire un contatto diretto, scrivere a citando il codice di riferimento. La lingua di lavoro sarà l'inglese. Segue il testo della proposta di collaborazione ricevuta.


Full description

The Danish company has a number of various merchandise products in its range, but as a start they only seek suppliers of the cap. The Danish company had prototypes of the cap made in China, but for logistic reasons, there is a preference for European manufacturers for the larger orders. The order size is difficult to predict, but it will probably be between 5.000 - 10.000 pieces.

Technical specifications:
Cap material must be 100% cotton twill
Head fabrics: Supersoft velboa
Beard: Long hair plush
Inside mouth: non-woven fabric
Inside the head: polyester fabric
Filling: pp cotton

Technical Specification or Expertise Sought

The Danish company needs experienced manufacturers that can handle the full technical process including procurement of raw materials.

Expected role of the partner

- The suppliers must have designers, who can cooperate with the Danish company on the development of new products
- The suppliers must have experience in exporting products
- Key staff must be English speaking
- The suppliers must be flexible concerning small and larger order volumes

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Tag di interesse
Fashion and Design
Sports and Leisure