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Ricerca partner: protezione antincendio, proposta di progetto Eurostars/Eureka

Ref. RDRFR20220623020

Staff Open Innovation

Staff Open Innovation

Un'azienda francese sta sviluppando un innovativo sistema di autoprotezione contro gli incendi in aree esterne, che rallenta e interrompe la propagazione del fuoco con un sistema di proiezione d'acqua e ritardante. L'azienda sta preparando una proposta di progetto Eurostars/Eureka e sta cercando partner di ricerca e sviluppo per completare il consorzio.


E' un servizio gratuito in collaborazione con il progetto SIMPLER - Enterprise Europe Network. Per stabilire un contatto diretto, scrivere a citando il codice di riferimento. La lingua di lavoro sarà l'inglese. Segue il testo della proposta di collaborazione ricevuta.


Full description

A French company based in the south of France has already developed a semi automatic system against fires in outdoor areas, which slows and breaks the propagation of fire with a water projection system and retardant. This first version is already commercialized in France, used to protect highways, industrial zones, and army bases.
The company wants now to develop the next generation of fire protection system :
The new solution will be installed either on existing building or directly integrated during the construction to improve the esthetic and efficiency of the building. In the event of fire nearby, the system will spray a mixture (water, air and emulsifier) that covers the entire building. This mixture will be sprayed via diffusion terminals on the outdoor walls of the existing buildings, but will be directly integrated into the walls of new constructions.
The system (and the mixture) will be designed to have minimum environmental impact while being as water-efficient and environmentally friendly as possible.
The R&D efforts of an automatic triggering of this device will be part of the Eurostars/Eureka project. The French company is looking for a reliable R&D partner to complete its consortium, especially in the area of anti-fire chemical liquid/foams.

Advantages and innovation

-Innovative automatic protection system against wild fires
-Reduced water consumtpion
-Human life protection
-Environment friendly
-A first version is already commercialized in France, used to protect highways, industrial zones, army bases

Technical Specification or Expertise Sought

Expertise in anti-fire chemical liquid/foamsdevelopment, production and diffusion.

Expected role of the partner

The French company is looking for a reliable R&D partner to complete its consortium, especially in the area of anti-fire chemical liquid/foams. The partner should be an R&D company or Academic, willing to complete an Eurostars/Eureka consortium, to share knowledge and to participate in the proposal drafting.

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Tag di interesse
Security of citizen and communities
Fire Resistance/Safety
Fire Safety Technology