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“Rapid Response”: EIT Health finanzia 14 progetti per combattere Covid-19

Biotecnologia, diagnostica, sanità digitale, tecnologia medica: 6 MLN a progetti chiusi entro l’anno

Redazione Open Innovation

Redazione Open Innovation

Regione Lombardia

EIT Health* is providing more than €6 million in funding for short-term projects to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic as part of its Rapid Response initiative. These projects focus on immediate and impactful solutions that arm health services with better tools in navigating the pandemic.

The 14 projects selected cover biotechnology, diagnostics, digital health and med tech, and are run by 36 partners. The projects will work directly with healthcare services as part of the consortia, so that the solutions can be built in line with clinical needs and implemented without delay.

Find out more about these selected projects here.

For other EIT Health COVID-19 initiatives, visit the dedicated page

*EIT Health was established in 2015, as a ‘knowledge and innovation community’ (KIC) of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). EIT Health exists to improve healthcare for citizens and strengthen the health economy in Europe.

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