Regione Lombardia cerca 10 esperti in materia di impatto dell’innovazione e degli avanzamenti tecnologico-scientifici sulla società e sull’economia.
Gli esperti selezionati comporranno il Foro regionale per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione, un organismo scientifico indipendente con funzioni consultive, propositive e informative.
I 10 componenti saranno scelti tra profili altamente qualificati nell'ambito delle discipline scientifiche, sociali e umanistiche.
Requisito fondamentale è una provata esperienza professionale nel macro-campo dei rapporti tra tecnologia/scienza e società, inclusi: RRI, Responsible Research and Innovation; STS, Science and Technologies Studies ; Comunicazione pubblica della scienza; Participative and deliberative methods; Public engagement; Social innovation; Social impact and social impact assessment; Sociologia del rischio; Sociologia della scienza; Technology assessment and governance; Open Innovation; Open science; Open Data; Data Ethics; Bioetica.
Il Foro resta in carica 3 anni. Si riunisce almeno 4 volte l’anno, anche per via telematica. Ogni componente riceve un compenso lordo di euro 30.000,00.
Le candidature sono aperte dal 1 settembre al 30 settembre 2017. Per candidarsi occorre inviare il proprio curriculum vitae e una lettera di endorsement (da parte di istituzioni, ordini e organizzazioni sociali) all’indirizzo mail
È possibile consultare l’avviso completo scaricando il documento allegato.
Regional Forum on Research and Innovation
The government of Lombardy – the most important region in Italy, which has Milan as its seat – is seeking 10 experts on the impact that innovation and technological/scientific advancements have on society and the economy.
These chosen experts will make up the Regional Forum on Research and Innovation, an independent scientific body that will consult, make proposals and provide information.
The 10 people will be chosen from among those candidates with the highest qualifications in the scientific, social and humanistic fields.
Candidates must absolutely have proven professional experience in the overall field of the relationship between technology/science and society, including: RRI, Responsible Research and Innovation; STS, Science and Technologies Studies; Public Communication of Science; Participative and Deliberative Methods; Public Engagement; Social Innovation; Social impact and Social Impact Assessment; Sociology of Risk; Sociology of Science; Technology Assessment and Governance; Open Innovation; Open Science; Open Data; Data Ethics; Bioethics.
The forum will serve for three years. It will meet at least four times per year, even virtually. Each member will receive gross compensation of 30,000 euros.
Candidates can apply from 1 September to 30 September 2017. If you would like to be considered, please send your curriculum vitae and an endorsement letter (from institutions, orders and social organisations) to the following email address:
If you would like more detailed information, please download the hereby document.