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The “Lombardia è Ricerca” Prize, nominations in the field of Computer Science open through 15/7

The most worthy breakthroughs can be submitted by scientists and researchers with an H-index ≥ 10

Redazione Open Innovation

Redazione Open Innovation

Nominations are now open for the International “Lombardia è Ricerca” Prize, the one million Euro award offered by the Lombardy Region to promote discoveries of high scientific value that will have a significant impact on the quality of life of citizens in the field of Life Sciences.

The theme of the Prize's 2022 edition is “Computer Science for safety, wellness, and sustainable growth”.

The specific topics upon which the breakthroughs may focus are the following: Smart systems to support decision-making in the Healthcare and Life Sciences sectors; Artificial Intelligence and Computational Models for Neuroscience; Methods of intelligent analysis of biomedical data (genomics and proteomics) to support personalised medicine applications in the field of rare diseases; “Cyber security” models and systems designed to protect sensitive information for the health and lives of citizens; Humanoid and assistive robotics to support vulnerable individuals; Innovative systems and technologies for improving quality of life.

Nominations will remain open through 15 July 2022.

All scientists with an h-index equal to or greater than 10 can propose nominations, indicating a single breakthrough that they consider worthy of the Award, and the names of contributing authors (up to a maximum of 3).

Self-nominations are now permetted. 

To submit a proposal, visit the webpage for the 2022 edition of the Prize: CLICK HERE

The breakthroughs submitted will be evaluated by a Jury of 15 top scientists from Italian and international universities and research centres, with specific qualifications in subjects relating to the theme of the Award. The jurors have been selected through the Scopus database, based on their h-index rankings.

The Jury members for the 2022 edition of the International “Lombardia è Ricerca” Prize are listed below by scientific field of reference:

- Information & Communication Technologies

  • Anil K. Jain – Michigan State University
  • Vincent Poor – Princeton University
  • Rita Cucchiara – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
  • Barbara Caputo – Polytechnic University of Turin
  • Robert Heath – NC State University

- Engineering

  • Arianna Menciassi – Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Jury President
  • Hamid Reza Karin – Polytechnic University of Milan

- Biomedical Research

  • Michael Karin – University of California, San Diego
  • Daniela Toniolo – IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute Clinical Medicine
  • Giuseppe Remuzzi – Institute of Pharmacological Research Mario Negri 

- Psychology & Cognitive Sciences

  • Elisabetta Làdavas – Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
  • Richard J. Davidson – University of Wisconsin - Madison

- Public Health & Health Services

  • David Stuckler – Bocconi University, Milan Physics
  • Aldo Di Carlo – University of Rome Tor Vergata

- Economics & Business

  • Giovanni Dosi – Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies

The award ceremony will be held 8 November 2022 at the Teatro alla Scala, on the Lombardy Region’s Research Day, dedicated to the memory of Professor Umberto Veronesi.

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